Short description of the dataset

Utilizing the new technology LiMA (Saliba,Vonkova et al Nature Methods 2014.), we analysed a dataset consisting of 91 proteins and 122 liposomes, generating more than 10 000 experiments in replicates.

Description of the raw data

All the raw data that were used for this analysis can be downloaded in the download section. It contains 246 runs, that are thus labeled :


XXX refers to the id of the run
AA_BB_CC refers to the date at which the run was performed
YYY refers to the name of the protein studied within the run
Z refers to the replicate number of the protein

Each of these run is a folder containing other folders, thus labeled :

AAA refers to an internal id (useless)
BBB refers to the lipid id
CCC refers to the name of the protein studied within the run
DDD refers to the replicate number of the protein lipid interaction studied Each of these folder contains the raw data (images, .jpeg and .jpg) that were used for the analysis as described in the materiel and methods section (Vonkova,Saliba,Deghou et al, submitted))


If you are for instance interested in having a look at the raw data that we used to analyse the interaction between the protein PDK1 (associated to the run ids run001 and run181) and the liposome containing the lipid mixtures dopi3p_10 and sphingosine_10 (lipid id 2) you need to look at the pictures located in those two folders :

Interaction PDK1-dopi3p:sphingosine_10:10 , replicate 1 :

Interaction PDK1-dopi3p:sphingosine_10:10 , replicate 2 :